08 April, 2006

Republicans lack secuity action

Ports, chemical and nuclear plants and mass transit systems are still vulnerable nearly five years after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The nation also has NOT implemented all of the recommendations of the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission, which recently gave the administration and Congress a report card "filled with Fs, Ds and incompletes. Too often, the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress have failed to back up their rhetoric with robust action.

The American people want and deserve a change of direction. President Bush has cut money in his budget for the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program while the nation is more dependent than ever on foreign oil.
Anti-Americanism is growing, and President Bush has refused to hold civilian leaders in his administration accountable for their incompetence and miscalculations on Iraq.

The nation can no longer ignore the dangerous deficits and exploding national debt, which has grown by $3 trillion over the last five years. Fiscal responsibility is a foundation for our national security,And we cannot continue to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars every year from foreign countries such as China and Saudi Arabia."

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