04 April, 2006

Republicans, Delay and the money

With accusations of political corruption, former Majority Leader Tom Delay said Tuesday he is resigning from Congress in the face of a tough re-election race, closing out a career that blended unflinching conservatism with a bare-knuckled attack, attack, smear, smear political style. (the chickens are finally coming home to roost.)

"I think I could have won this seat but it would have been nasty.(Bull, Republicans revel in "nasty") It would have cost a fortune to do it," said the Texas Republican, first elected in 1984.

He secured lots of money to legislators in Texas who voted to gerrymander voting districts in Texas so Republicans could win in Texas and in the Congress. No wonder Bush continues to praise him. Down the line they will get Delay his own talk show or something.

That is typical Republican speak, its not about what is good for the country, its only about the money to them . They have most of the money coming in from the folks at the top, and the Republicans are giving it back to them 10-fold in tax breaks, a neat political trick.

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