23 August, 2005

I, the prophet

Am I a prophet? Yesterday I posted the poster shown below.that says: "Religious Fanatics are Scary in any Country" Less than 12 hours later, the "Reverend" Pat
Robertson proved it. He called for the assassination of the Venzuelan DEMOCRATICALLY
ELECTED President, who had admonished Bush. And,so far, the Bushes only say that, that isn't their policy. Having invaded Iraq on a lie doesn't lend much credibility, does it? The Rev Pat takes credit for having elected and re-elected the Bushes. Stay tuned, its going to get better.

bush, cheney and oil

seen today:
In case $3-per-gallon gas isn't depressing enough, consider what your gas money pays for: A bull market in Saudi stocks. Handouts for Fidel Castro. And weapons for anti-American terrorists.
Oil-producing states haven't seen a windfall like this since the twin price shocks of the 1970s. Persian Gulf countries this year will earn about $291 billion in oil revenue vs. $61 billion in 1998, when oil prices tanked, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF). For every $1 increase in the price of a barrel of oil, Venezuela, the No. 4 source of U.S. imports, reaps almost an additional $1 billion a year.
In several oil-producing countries, soaring oil prices are complicating U.S. foreign policy or blunting commercial opportunities for American companies. Irans' mullahs, locked in a standoff with the U.S. over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, are bolstered by an oil-rich economy that the International Monetary Fund says will grow 6% this year and next.
All the while, Bush is propping up our failing economy with giveaways to the rich and international corporations. Check out the Haliburton story--a Cheney company-- in Iraq. You need to vote and vote often, every time.

22 August, 2005

18 August, 2005


read today:
The second-term Ohio Republican said that as governor he had expected all state workers to follow state ethics laws, adding, "In this instance I have failed to live up to the those high expectations."

The alleged ethics violations against Taft are another blow to the GOP in the Republican-controlled state that won President Bush re-election.

Taft's golf partners included John Snow, then the head of transportation company CSX Corp. and now the U.S. Treasury secretary; and Tony Alexander, president and chief executive of Akron-based FirstEnergy Corp.

Some residents also are fed up with the corruption.
"It's a sad state of affairs," said Bruce Lively, a Maumee resident who said he had backed Taft in the past but now thinks he should step down.

16 August, 2005


read today:
"The Labor Department reported Tuesday that its closely watched consumer price index rose 0.5% in July, the biggest rise in three months. In July, overall inflation was driven higher by a big 3.8% jump in energy costs.

However, outside of food and energy, prices remained well-behaved. The core inflation rate edged up just 0.1% in July. This price category, which is closely watched by the Federal Reserve, was helped in July by a 1% drop in new car prices, the biggest decline since January 1975."

These people even slant the inflation numbers. How many of you bought new
vehicles in July versus bought food and other products that use energy?

What's worse, they control our news. How many funerals of our heroes, service men and women, have you seen? How many estimates of innocent women and children killed in Iraq have you seen? It won't change until YOU vote, at each and every opportunity.

15 August, 2005

"bunch of bull"

Today’s read:
Most of the buildings are gone. Not that there was much to them, anyway. Many were little more than tarpaper shacks when the first internees arrived at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center, a World War II internment camp for Americans of Japanese ancestry.

The desolate landscape that so harshly greeted new arrivals in the summer of 1942 looks much the way it did then, with a little more grass maybe, and a little less sagebrush.

They were among some 120,000 Japanese-Americans forcibly removed from Washington state, Oregon, California and western Arizona and sent to camps in the nation's interior.

"What moved me about my experience here was that, in the eyes of the government, I was not a native-born American citizen — I was an enemy alien," Hosokawa said. "Why? Because my parents were born in Japan, a country with which we were at war."

"A lot of people don't even know there was an evacuation," said Hosokawa, 90, of Denver, who helped create the interpretive trail. "You tell them you were in an American prison camp even though you're an American citizen, and they said that's a bunch of bull." (land of the free)

14 August, 2005


read today:
Iraq is on the verge of civil war, the Taliban are surging back in Afghanistan and the British are up to their ears in home grown Islamic terrorism. What are we doing?

In recent weeks, our administration has abruptly stopped referring to the "war on terror". Instead, they have replaced it with "the global struggle against violent extremism.".("war" to "global struggle" which better justifies what we do in Iraq and are planning to do elsewhere??)

So, their response is to "RE-TOOL THE SLOGAN" since the public has soured on the war in Iraq because trying to pound the terrorists into the dirt has not worked.

Isn't this a war with Islamic religious fundamentalists?? If it is, why not call it that?? Or is the reason we don’t, due to the fact that we have our own religious fundamentalists that support the current party in power?? What do you think??

13 August, 2005

them, us and the second coming

recently read:
Bush and about 230 others were attending a barbeque fundraiser at the nearby 478-acre Broken Spoke Ranch, and the event was expected to raise at least $2 million for the Republican National Committee. All of the well-heeled guests have contributed at least $25,000 to the RNC, with some—dubbed “pioneers”—having raised $100,000 or more.

This circle of wealthy Republican Party insiders stands in stark contrast to the families of the young men and women who are being sent to fight and die in Iraq, the overwhelming majority of whom come from poor and working class neighborhoods across America, having joined up to earn money for college, learn a trade or simply find a paying job

OK, I'm not a religious guy, but I'm beginning to think that this woman has been touched by the hand of god. Who knows, maybe this is the second coming--Ms. Sheehan confronting Satan on his own turf. The symbolism sure fits.

The president’s contempt for Sheehan and her supporters was emphasized Friday afternoon when his motorcade rode past them without stopping on the way to a political fundraiser near his ranch.

Commenting on the training of the Iraqi security forces at his press conference on Thursday, Bush described their progress as improving from “raw recruit” to “plenty capable.” He said, “I know it’s hard for some Americans to see that progress.” Indeed it is, with daily reports that obviously prove this claim to be a lie. . .'

those who care

A partial list of those who are either already in Crawford with Ms. Sheehan or are on their way includes:

* Jean Prewitt of Birmingham, Alabama, whose son Private Kelly Prewitt was killed in action on April 6, 2003.

* Linda and Phil Waste of Hinesville, Georgia, who have three sons and two grandchildren (a grandson and a granddaughter) on active duty in the military. Together, the five have already spent a total of more than 57 months on tours of duty in Iraq. Several of these children/grandchildren are currently serving in Iraq, and have served extended and multiple deployments.

* Barbara Porchia of Camden, Arkansas, whose son, Army Reservist Private 1st Class Jonathan Cheatham, was killed in action in Baghdad on July 26, 2003.

* Sue Niederer of Pennington, New Jersey, is a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace. Her son, 1st Lieutenant Seth Dvorin, was killed in action near Iskandariyah, Iraq, on February 3, 2004.

* Mimi Evans of Hyannis, Massachusetts, plans to arrive in Crawford next week. Mimi’s son serves in the Marines and will be deployed to Fallujah in the next two weeks.

* Bill Mitchell of Atascadero, California, has already arrived in Crawford. Bill’s son, Sgt. Michael Mitchell, was killed in action in Sadr City on April 4, 2004, along with Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey. Bill is a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace.

1st comp

11 August, 2005

do you even care?

"Faith and religion is a place to put all the unknown. If you don't
understand something it must be the work of God... a miracle. Searching
for answers really isn't important.
Science is a way to OPEN the unknown. No theory is sacred or divine. It
gets immediately tossed aside if proven wrong.
Religion and scriptural interpretation attempts to MAINTAIN the accounts in
the Bible no matter what. So, instead of tossing aside the Bible when it is
proven wrong, Christians frantically go to work to 're-interpret' the
Scripture to make it fit the new scientific evidence.
Science is constantly trying to move FORWARD. There are no bounds that it
doesn't attempt to surpass.
Religion has often attempted to remain in the PAST by stifling science and
Science presents major problems for literal interpretations of
the Bible. (e.g. earth centric universe, motion of the planets, evolution,
etc.) Religion has constantly erected ROADBLOCKS to thinking... you can
study the universe, but keep it to yourself, don't publish... you can study
biology and paleontology, but don't you dare suggest evolution... you can
study the universe's expansion, but don't try to explain the big bang
because we're now calling this 'the beginning' and it's God's work!
(referring to S. Hawking and the Pope)
Religion often uses its power and authority to DICTATE how things are and
what you should believe. It does NOT WANT its authority to be questioned.
Science provides the tools and formulas for anyone to go DISCOVER. and
scientists look forward to the peer review process and DO WANT their work
critically questioned and reviewed.
I could go on all day with this. I think I'll add a page to the Ethical
Atheist site just on this topic because I'm constantly asked how science and
religion are different. It seems very obvious but apparently not to theists."

same M.O.

Here they go again, attacking your motives if you dare to disagree.

Trucker Craig Delaney, 53, was in Georgia on Monday when he heard numerous radio shows discussing Sheehan — some criticizing her. He altered his route to California, heading for Texas, and got to Sheehan's site Wednesday morning

"She has a political agenda that goes way beyond her son's death in combat," said Taylor, whose conservative group has held pro-troop rallies since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and counter protests of anti-war demonstrations.

Did they deceive us(lie) as to the justification in Iraq? Did they send our brothers/
fathers/sons/nephews over there without proper troop strength and no armour in
their Humvee's to be sitting ducks to roadside bombs??? YOU DECIDE.

10 August, 2005

thought provoking

From another blogger:
Having observed the appalling attitudes of the semi-pious, self-righteous, conveniently religious neo-cons, it would seem that the Bible--which is where our great Democratic Theocracy is apparently headed-- is due for an America circa 2005 re-write along the following lines:

1."Thou shalt not kill unless the persons/people to be killed are Iraqis, in which case, feel free to bomb(shock and awe)and execute them-- innocent or otherwise-- by the tens, if not hundreds of thousands".

2."Love thy neighbor (unless he's gay, poor, or an immigrant)".

3."Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods (unless said neighbor has oil)".

4. any ideas for the other 7 ???.

a true patriot

On April 4th last year, 24-year-old Army Specialist Casey Sheehan died in Iraq. This week, while President Bush vacations in Texas, Casey's mother, Cindy Sheehan, sits vigil outside the president's ranch. Cindy says that she won't leave until President Bush meets with her to discuss the war—even if it means spending all of August there.

Cindy Sheehan was not an anti-war activist, but the loss of her son and the mounting evidence of deception by the Bush administration pushed her to speak out. While Cindy camps roadside in Texas, dozens of other military moms are flying to Texas to join her. Her story is starting to grab national attention, but Cindy needs our support. They are asking moms (and dads, siblings, spouses and kids) from all across America to help send a message by signing our letter of support to Cindy. Will you sign?

http://political.moveon.org/meetwithcindy/?id=5886-5397922-qMok9E.P2onuwU7oZmm6r w&t=3


"The 9/11 commission did not learn of any U.S. government knowledge prior to 9/11 of surveillance of Mohammed Atta or of his cell," said Hamilton, a former Democratic congressman from Indiana. "Had we learned of it obviously it would've been a major focus of our investigation."

The commission's report on the terrorist attacks, released last year, traced government mistakes that allowed the hijackers to succeed. Among the problems the commission cited was a lack of coordination across intelligence agencies.

Rep. Curt Weldon, a Pennsylvania Republican who serves as vice chairman of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, said a classified military intelligence unit known as "Able Danger" identified the men in 1999.

That's an earlier link to al-Qaeda than any previously disclosed intelligence about Atta if the information, which Weldon said came from multiple intelligence sources, is true.

A group of 9/11 widows called the September 11th Advocates issued a statement Wednesday saying they were "horrified" to learn that further possible evidence exists, and they are disappointed the 9/11 Commission report is "incomplete and illusory."

"The revelation of this information demands answers that are forthcoming, clear and concise," the statement said. "The 9/11 attacks could have and should have been prevented." STAY TUNED

09 August, 2005

whoa, we are doing it again

A Marine regiment that took heavy casualties last week in western Iraq — including 19 killed from a Reserve unit headquartered in Ohio — had REPEATEDLY asked for about 1,000 more troops. Those requests were NOT granted.

Regimental Combat Team 2 began asking for additional troops to police its volatile 24,000-square-mile territory before most of its Marines deployed in February, said operations officer Lt. Col. Christopher Starling, 39, of Jacksonville, N.C.

Starling said the unit could "optimally" use one more battalion, about 1,000 troops, to take some of the pressure off the Reserve unit, which is spearheading an offensive in the region. "With a fourth battalion, I wouldn't have to play pick-up ball," Starling said.

The requests for additional forces were passed to higher headquarters.

Thomas Hammes, a retired Marine colonel who has written a book on anti-insurgency tactics, said ground commanders have been saying that they DON'T have enough troops to cover the country, despite the Pentagon's insistence that they do. What kind of
a war is our government running, anyway?? Will we ever learn?????

it isn't fair

Dana Reeve, who spent nine years caring for her paralyzed husband, Christopher Reeve, until his death last year, announced Tuesday that she has lung cancer.
It makes you wonder just how much one person can take. Prayers are in order.

07 August, 2005

The current federal government has racked up record amounts of red ink, helping push up a recorded national debt to $7.8 trillion and another estimated $63 trillion in unfunded off-the-books amount to which,if added in, would show our country is actually bankrupt. So, hence the question, WHAT ARE THESE SELF-CALLED CONSERVATIVES CONSERVING?

06 August, 2005

How to treat a woman:
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Do you know the expression: You can be right or you can be kind? Be kind. Right just doesn't look good on you!!!! Show respect for her opinions. Never say, "You're wrong." Dare I say, you might be wrong yourself sometimes. So shut up and listen.

If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. Always keep the recipe for Humble Pie in your back pocket and use it often. In fact, begin in a friendly way. It's a courtship. Enjoy it.

Slowly .get her saying "yes, yes" immediately. That means, finding those things that mean so much to her--not you--those are her yes's, and start enjoying them with her. Support, listen, enjoy.

Let her do a great deal of the talking. Are you listening? Quiet, please--she's speaking. Let her feel that the idea is hers’.. You are not leading. You are letting the chemistry between you find its own unique, new territory.

Try honestly to see things from her point of view. Really, really think about what it would be like to be her. Take in the things she tells you that shaped her. Those are the keys.

Be sympathetic with her ideas and desires. Are you still listening? Don't panic and impose your wishes. Go with it. Trust the outcome.

Appeal to the nobler motives. I suspect Dale Carnegie’s editor deleted '--you selfish schmuck' .Dramatize your ideas. That comes much later. For now, shut up and listen and enjoy where she takes you.

Throw down a challenge, but only if it's following her wishes, not yours. Imagine what you'd be like if you had been through everything she had. If you love her, you'll see her exactly where she is. She's done her best with what she's been given. Now she needs to trust you completely. You cannot waver. BE SENSITIVE


The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read it straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.
Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life. "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia ."

05 August, 2005

will we ever learn

SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? (after all the dead, injured, and lives ruined)

A man said while marching in Vietnam’s Anniversary parade.

"I was listening to the radio with my family and heard that Saigon had been liberated. I was very happy because for many years we weren't free. After 30 years we have rebuilt our country. Our land is safe and secure and I think the future will be better for my children," said To Thanh Nghia, 51.


Michael Marine, the U.S. ambassador to Vietnam, says he hopes for even closer ties between the two countries. But he says remaining obstacles include the Communist regime's continued repression of political debate.

"The Government of Vietnam continues to be intolerant of political dissent and significantly restricts freedom of speech, the press, assembly and association," Marine said in a speech at Texas Tech University in advance of the anniversary.

WILL WE EVER LEARN??????????????????????????

02 August, 2005


I went on line to email today,
Sadly, I deleted your name away,
Oh, why did you leave me, I had to say,
I thought you were here to stay.

I went on line to email today,
Scrolled down, but to my dismay,
No mail from you, you had gone away,
I really believed you were here to stay.

I went online again today,
Did quite the same as yesterday,
Brushed my tears away,
For I knew, no one is here to stay.

The wonderful memories are here to stay.


Here I go again. I hope your day was more calm than mine . I chased the uncatchable and got lost in my own whirlwind.

Do you have a secret world of fantasies or whatever that you don't share with anyone, and what is the main theme of your secret pleasure palace? How often do
you visit this den of private thoughts or maybe even actions?

Is there anyone that you would trust enough to share in your innermost thoughts without judging you or putting you down? Wouldn't it be nice to have that part of your life in with the rest so that you have it all together. Let's talk. I am waiting. Lee


Well Hello: As you can see, this is my first post. I plan on posting daily on such topics as sex, politics, religion, life styles, emotions, other blogs, and did I say sex.

What does it all mean? Are we but puppets designed to play out scenes in the action of the play? Do you feel out of step, an island in a sea filled with treachery and deceit? Do you have a void that needs filling?

Have you been discarded from the life cycle? Are you alone, emotionally, in an awash with distant bodies.? Well, what to do about it? Stay tuned as we discuss these and other isssues of importance to YOU. I want you to get involved.

Tell me what bothers you so we can work together to make it go away. Get involved, right here and the Gods will shine on your life.

Stay tuned. Lee