05 March, 2011

Why do republicans want to destroy unions?

Your World Without Unions
If you're not union and don't believe the union busting in Wisconsin and other states will affect you; if you believe unions are a problem and not a solution; if you believe unions only help their own and no one else –\Welcome to a country without unions.
No Minimum Wage Law.
No maximum 8 Hour Work Day, 40 Hour Work Week.
No maternity leave job protection.
No pregnancy job protection. If your employer decides to fire you because you're pregnant, he could.
No child labor laws. A return to children in sweat shops, standing on boxes to reach factory machinery.
No mandatory school attendance. It was initiated to save children from forced labor year 'round.
No safety standards in the workplace.
No paid vacations, sick days or personal days.
No pension plans or healthcare benefits.
No salary increases.
No mandatory meal breaks.
No paid holidays.
No unemployment insurance.
No workers compensation.
No overtime pay of time-and-a-half.
No protection from forced work on the sabbath (if this is part of your religion).
There are more, and if you need them, all you have to do is think of working conditions in a third world country. That's what the United States will become, and this isn't hyperbole or exaggeration.

There's a reason why one of the first moves of dictators is to abolish or severely repress unions. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Lenin, Gaddafi – the list goes on and on.

Think about it all before you latch onto the lie that unions do more harm than good for the People. Why else would dictators and despots hate them so much?
By the way, I'm not union. But I want to thank them just the same. You should, too.