15 February, 2011

US Chamber of Commerce caught with its pants down???

US Chamber of Commerce caught with its pants down???

Stolen e-mails reveal plans for a dirty-tricks-style campaign against critics of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The e-mails revealed, among other things, a series of often-dubious counterintelligence proposals aimed at enemies of Bank of America and the chamber. The proposals included distributing fake documents and launching cyber-attacks.

While many questions remain in the unfolding ChamberLeaks controversy, what's clear is that this multitude of emails clearly contradicts the Chamber's claim that they were 'not aware of these proposals until HBGary's e-mails leaked.
Several of the documents focus on ChamberWatch, a union-backed organization that criticizes the business lobby and many of its members.

The documents include personal details about activists who work for the group and suggestions for targeting its reputation, including planting fake documents, tying the organization to radical activists or creating "fake insider personas" on social media.