09 April, 2006

Bush the leaker-in-chief

The president, whose popularity is slumping, is on the defensive because of a prosecutor's disclosure that Bush authorized a former top official, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, to share intelligence data on Iraq in 2003 with a reporter to defend his decision to invade Iraq.

Sen. Arlen Specter said Sunday that "there's been enough of a showing here with what's been filed of record in court that the president of the United States owes a specific explanation to the American people.

The president has criticized the Congress for leaking and now we find out the the White House has leaked. For once the President needs to tell the truth as to why he leaked the information aimed at countering criticism of his reasons for taking America to war in Iraq.

That's my boy "Scooter" Don't let them make you the fall guy. Remember "Brownie"!

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