24 April, 2010

Arizona vs patriotic Americans

Stopping people on how they dress or look, and they are guilty and will be hauled to jail unless they can on-the-spot prove their innocence is now the law in Arizona --that is how it will work on the streets and highways. It reminds me of what the Nazi's did to the Jews in the early Thirties in Nazi Germany.

Well, as our relatives are in California, we used to make several trips a year, stopping at noon time and overnight in Phoenix, seeking entertainment, etc, and the next day continue on to California.

NO MORE. We will not SPEND ONE MORE DIME IN ARIZONA. (and I am what is called an Anglo) and by the way there is a better solution, just arrest the small business owners who hire the majority of illegals-don't hold your breath on that one. (There comes a time when one must be a man and take a stand for the good of our Country. Now is that time).

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