27 November, 2005

lies and half-truths

The investigations so far only looked at if the Intelligence community was pressured, they have not looked at did the Administrations manipulate the intelligence they received. Here is what we didn't know, that we know now:
1. The State Department was convinced that the Niger uranium claim
was bogus yet it was in Bush's speech anyway. (they claimed they
didn't know how it got in there--a lie.)
2. The source for claims about biological weapons was a questionable
character named "Curveball" who had a drinking problem and was
distrusted by German intelligence.
3. We were told that Saddam had drones that could deliver weapons, but
the Air Force thought that was a joke.
4. The Dept of Energy never believed the famous aluminum tubes had anything
to do with a nuclear program.
5. Colin Powell's warnings about mobile weapons labs were not based on
solid information.
The UN inspectors could never find WMD but were successfully bad-mouthed in a media campaign, and Rumsfeld maintained we knew where they were being stored--a lie.

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