21 November, 2005

fooling the people

The administration has been toning down its criticism of Murtha since White House spokesman Scott McClellan derided him last week as an ultraliberal, likening him to activist far-left filmmaker Michael Moore.

The Iraq debate turned more vitriolic in recent days, with the Senate voting overwhelmingly to require fuller reporting by the administration on progress, and by Murtha's proposal.

The smear and sneer tactics by the Republicans, for once, hasn't worked. So they now are changing their tune.

Bush, who was returning Monday from a tour of Asia, praised Murtha as "a fine man" and said that disagreeing with the administration was not unpatriotic. All along, those of us who disagreed were called unpatriotic and now they are changing that tune as well.

Which goes to prove, you can't fool all the people all of the time.

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