06 November, 2005

fed up with democratic leaders

I am just fed up with you Democrats. Do you want to know why or do you even care?
Here is why:
1. You let the Republicans attack and attack and you just take it. They call you names and when you use the existing Senate rules to raise objections they call it a stunt, even while they threaten to change the rules. On the issues that we middle class care about, you act with timidity and fear.

2. You let the Republicans define the issues. for God's sake, stand up once in awhile I realize that curently the Republicans control everything including the money flow from contributions.

3. You let the Republicans demean you by generalizing. Some crackpot Democrat says or does something stupid and you let them tarnish all Democrats. When some crackpot Republicans do likewise, oh well he/she is a right winger or he/she is a crackpot.

4. You let Republicans define terms also. For example, My dictionary says the word "democrat" is a noun. and "democratic" is an adjective AND DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS A POLITICAL PARTY. So how is it that they and the media get away with saying "DEMOCRAT PARTY". Even some of you democrats use that term. For God's sake, DEMOCRATIC LEADERS HAD BETTER START PAYING ATTENTION AND DOING SOMETHING. otherwise, I may go back to the Republican Party. Heaven forbid.

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