15 November, 2005

the chickenhawks

A timetable for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq is just the first step. Beyond that, what is needed is a comprehensive investigation that will examine, without fear or favor, the falsification of "intelligence" by ad hoc neocon-controlled government agencies.

We need a thorough examination of what role the office of the Vice President played in vetting and shaping the "evidence" for Iraq's WMD and alleged links to al-Qaeda.

What part did the "Office of Special Plans," AKA "The Cabal," play – and why was Dick Cheney tootling over to Langley and standing over analysts as they wrote their reports?

Who are the Pied Pipers of Washington, who lured Congress and the American people down the path and over the cliff into the quagmire?

My bets are on those listed on the "chickenhawks" website.

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