14 February, 2010

republicans trying to re-write history

The Iraq war mistake has cost the United States support from other nations around the world. More than 4,370 U.S. military personnel have died in Iraq since the Republican President ordered the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been wounded or killed. U.S. is likely to bring home from Iraq some 90,000 combat troops by summer's end.

Under Obama 12 of the top Al Queda 20 people have been eliminated and 100 of their associates have been taken out. They are in fact not able to do anything remotely like they were in the past. They are on the run.

Obama inherited a shrinking economy with financial institutions that were on the edge of collapse, threatening to move the world into a depression. The economy expanded at 5.8 percent during the last quarter and the U.S. has "stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs." There is tangible evidence that the economy is moving in the right direction. Republicans like Dick Cheney are trying to rewrite history.

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