18 February, 2007

more Iraqi reality

Today however, the dangers present in the day to day lives of the Iraqi population are just as deadly and even more sinister. Death comes from everywhere now. It lurks around every corner of the cities throughout the country. The US trained and equipped Iraqi police now represent the greatest perceived threat to the Iraqi population at large, second only to the criminals and militias.

The elements of society which the Iraqis should look to for protection and order are the very same who are murdering and torturing Iraqi citizens every single day in Iraq. Trained and Equipped by the US Military, themselves unaware of the social, tribal and religious forces working in the lives of every single member of the Iraqi Police and Army.

The former Minister of Interior, Jabr, today the Iraq Minister of Finance who lived in Iran for over twenty years during Saddams rule, reportedly formed the Shia death squads, now famous for their murder and brutality against Iraqi citizens, Sunni and Shia alike, still not accountable for his alleged deeds. No government official willing to speak against him.

Fear reigns in Iraq. It seems that today in Iraq, the only solution to just about any problem is death.

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