02 February, 2007

grounds for impeachment?

Iran is not the problem with the Iraqi resistance movement, which is commanded and staffed by Sunni Arab military officers and Baathists. Nuclear experts agree that an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would only slow down its efforts, not end them, and moreover, would encourage the country to redouble its efforts to get the Bomb and achieve the kind of protection against future attack that countries with the bomb have.

Iran is the second largest oil producing country in the world, and it borders the entire eastern shore of the Persian Gulf, through which a third of the world's oil passes every year. If it was attacked, all of Iran's oil, and most of the oil produced by Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, would be taken out of circulation indefinitely.

Oil prices would soar way past $100/barrel, and maybe past $200 a barrel, causing a U.S. and a global depression. Good for the oil cartels and the Carlyle Group and the Bushes and the Cheneys.

An attack on Iran would be an international crime under the Nuremberg Charter, which calls the invasion of a country that doesn't pose an immediate threat a "Crime Against Peace."

But even aside from such matters, anyone with a lick of sense knows that it would be crazy to go into another even larger war while the American military is completely tied down in two other desperate situations. Grounds for impeachment?

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