02 February, 2007

cheney has won

Cheney has given us the answer, in his own words. He and his pals have indeed accomplished their objectives in Iraq. They have indeed achieved their objectives. A troubled violent oil-rich region has become America’s own troubled, violent and oil-rich region.

Our military provocation has birthed a multifaceted insurgency that can be manipulated directly, or used indirectly, to support any number of new government programs and policies, foreign and domestic.

Want a war with Iran? It’s easy to justify, with "Iran. Need to pump up the dollar, or to ensure we can still print and borrow at will? The situation in Iraq allows them to justify it.

Cheney is right. He became Vice President in an age where American industry and agriculture can no longer compete hands down, where financial centers are decentralizing. He and his pals, dinosaurs all, could not to adapt to the new world, and instead sought to alter it to their well-established tastes.

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