01 January, 2007

Saddam’s execution was for killing 148 people, not for genocide and other crimes he is alleged of committing. There was such a rush to get rid of Saddam, before he could be tried for the far more serious crime of using chemical weapons to slaughter vast numbers of Kurds and Iranians. I conclude that any trial for those crimes would reveal the participation of the U.S. and would highlight photos of Rumsfeld happily shaking hands with Saddam.

That would hardly suit the Bush administration, so it’s my guess that the hurried hanging was planned by the U.S. all along. I suspect that that is why the killings at Dujail, though a relatively minor offense, formed the initial charge. There was no real question about that charge, so a quick conviction was assured.

Also, Bush refused to allow Saddam to speak freely to the public or to historians, who might have learned whether Republicans had urged Hussein to attack Iran during the last months of Carter’s presidency and how much help Reagan had given Saddam in his war against Iran and how many of his “WMD's” were made in the USA.

If Saddam Hussein was executed for the murder of 146 men and boys, what punishment shall we prescribe for the American leaders who snookered us into the Iraq war based on a pack of lies? How many have died as a result, either directly by American weapons, or indirectly as a result of this illegal unwarranted invasion, carried out so incompetently and wastefully?

For those of you saying we hate America or should leave on the next plane:
We represent the real America. We believe in the American Constitution and its laws. We don’t condone torture in any form. We take pride in our standing as a leader of the free world. We believe in active diplomacy with the rest of the world; with advocating other nations to seek diplomatic resolutions.

And yes, we believe Saddam deserved proper justice (before an international court of law), not revenge before an unruly mob. The fact we express ourselves with a free press shows that most of us know the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, some of you do not.
And don't give me that bull**** about "hating Bush". We red-letter Christians hate the sin, not the sinner. You and your ilk do not represent the real America. Perhaps you should be boarding that plane before any of us?

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