16 January, 2007

republicans never learn

The dynamics of the Middle East region have also changed over the years, and it is no longer clear what the payoff is for Washington in return for overlooking rights violations. It is not certain, for example, that the Egypt of 2007 can deliver the kind of influence it once wielded when it was seen as the political and cultural center of the Arab world.

The United States is so unpopular in the region now, that its support is enough to undermine a government’s legitimacy with its public. We forget that the USA interferred in the government of Iran as far back as the 1950s. The CIA fueled coups that led to overthrow of the democratically elected governments of Mohammed Mosedegh in Iran because he wanted to nationalize their own oil. We are again interferring over there. We continue to reap what we sew. When will we ever learn?

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