14 January, 2007

republican neo-cons jump off this war for another

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan, said a rueful John F. Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. George W. Bush knows today whereof his predecessor spoke. For as he prepares to "surge" 20,000 more U.S. troops into a war even he concedes we "are not winning," his erstwhile acolytes have begun to abandon him to salvage their own tattered reputations.

Remember these republican neoconservatives who are now abandoning Bush to leave him swinging in the wind by himself. Google the following names if you want to see their excuses: Ken Adelman, Professor Eliot Cohen of Johns Hopkins, Richard Perle, Frank Gaffney, David Frum, James Woolsey, the ex-CIA director.

Almost all the neocons have now departed the seats of power in the Bush administration and retreated to their sinecures at Washington think tanks, to plot the next war – on Iran.

Meanwhile, brave young Americans, the true idealists and the casualties of the neocons' war, come home in caskets, 20 a week, to Dover and, at Walter Reed, or learn to walk again on steel legs.

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