14 December, 2006

hijacked Republican party

read today:
Political science 101 definitions liberals are those who look forward, conservatives those who support the status quo, reactionaries, want to return to the past and revolutionaries want rapid change. I think the GOP has been taken over by a new force, one that meets at the base of the political circle; think of this circle as the face of a clock; moderates - Republicans and Democrats - meet at twelve, neo-conservatives meet at six.

Neo-cons seem to combine the extreme ideologies. Why do they want to return to the past? I think because they are afraid of the future, they see the emergence of people who are not like them (people of color, non-christian) as a threat; hence, those who support the goals of the New American Century hijacked the Republican Party. Their policy of world domination is motivated by fear and greed and in no way emulates the traditional values of Americans or of our society

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