11 December, 2006

slow loss of freedom

Who could have imagined ten years ago that Congress would permit the Republican regime to eliminate habeas corpus? Our founders understood this was the bedrock fundamental principle of a free people. No political opponents could be rounded up and jailed by a tyrant. No one could presume to be above the law. Yet there was hardly a peep from blasé American consumers. The mainstream press reassured us that good Americans had nothing to worry about.

We welcome reassuring propaganda that reinforces our noble purposes in the Middle East and elsewhere. We do not care to investigate personally, or even listen to, the evidence of our considerable crimes.

History will not treat us kindly. We will be remembered as the Americans who insulated themselves from reality and remained self-absorbed, concerned with their own personal comfort and privilege while our government wrecked havoc on the world and destroyed our own culture.

It will be difficult for future generations to understand how it happened and the sequence of events. Our freedom is slowly being taken away and no one is paying attention.

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