17 October, 2005

not surprised

You volunteer to serve your country in the armed forces. You're sent to Iraq, where a bomb takes one of your hands, and your ability to walk. You're shipped back to America to face a long, arduous recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. What happens next?

If you're Robert Loria of Middletown, NY, here's what happens:

Your pay rate is downgraded because you're out of the war zone.
Your wages are garnished because some of your equipment is unaccounted for.
The army sends you a bill for $6,200 just before Christmas.
Three months later a collection agency comes after you because you owe $646 for military housing.
This is apparently because, according to the Washington Post, "the government's computerized pay system is designed to 'maximize debt collection' and has operated without a way to keep bills from going to the wounded."

Now why am I not surprised? So much for "supporting the troops."

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