18 October, 2005

not anymore

When the ranking of the wealthiest U.S. citizens debuted in 1982, the list showed the "American Ideal", every year, new strivers replace the old. NOT ANYMORE.
The list no longer reflects a dynamic and elastic economy: instead it reflects a growing concentration of wealth and economic power.

The same people appear year after year: Gates, Buffett, Allen, Kerkorian, Kluge, Icahn, Bllomberg, Perelman, Helmsley, Kravis, Waltons, Pritzkers, Newhouses and so on.

Their total worth was $238 Billion in 1985; today $1.13 Trillion showing the concentration of wealth and thus power.

The rich are truly getting richer while more and more workers are getting minimum wages or are retired on fixed incomes with ever and ever higher prices.

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