16 October, 2005

fool the people

Tead Today:
"You Can Fool Some of the People, Some of the Time...
.Bush's Job Approval Ratings...

Poll ---------Date------- Approve-- Disapprove-- Spread--
RCP Avg 10/10-10/12 39.5% 55.2% -15.7%
Rasmussen 10/10-10/12 44.0% 54.0% -10.0%
Fox News 10/10-10/11 40.0% 51.0% -11.0%
NBC/WSJ 10/08-10/10 39.0% 54.0% -15.0%
Pew 10/06-10/10 38.0% 56.0% -18.0%
AP-Ipsos 10/03-10/05 39.0% 58.0% -19.0%
CBS News 10/03-10/05 37.0% 58.0% -21.0%

How's the Direction of the Country?? Well...

Poll ---------Date-- Right Dir--. Wrong-- Dir. Spread--
RCP Avg. 10/03-10/10 27.3% 64.7% -37.4%
NBC/WSJ 10/08-10/10 28.0% 59.0% -31.0%
AP-Ipsos 10/03-10/05 28.0% 66.0% -38.0%
CBS News 10/03-10/05 26.0% 69.0% -43.0%

They lied and people died (and are still dying)

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