11 August, 2005

do you even care?

"Faith and religion is a place to put all the unknown. If you don't
understand something it must be the work of God... a miracle. Searching
for answers really isn't important.
Science is a way to OPEN the unknown. No theory is sacred or divine. It
gets immediately tossed aside if proven wrong.
Religion and scriptural interpretation attempts to MAINTAIN the accounts in
the Bible no matter what. So, instead of tossing aside the Bible when it is
proven wrong, Christians frantically go to work to 're-interpret' the
Scripture to make it fit the new scientific evidence.
Science is constantly trying to move FORWARD. There are no bounds that it
doesn't attempt to surpass.
Religion has often attempted to remain in the PAST by stifling science and
Science presents major problems for literal interpretations of
the Bible. (e.g. earth centric universe, motion of the planets, evolution,
etc.) Religion has constantly erected ROADBLOCKS to thinking... you can
study the universe, but keep it to yourself, don't publish... you can study
biology and paleontology, but don't you dare suggest evolution... you can
study the universe's expansion, but don't try to explain the big bang
because we're now calling this 'the beginning' and it's God's work!
(referring to S. Hawking and the Pope)
Religion often uses its power and authority to DICTATE how things are and
what you should believe. It does NOT WANT its authority to be questioned.
Science provides the tools and formulas for anyone to go DISCOVER. and
scientists look forward to the peer review process and DO WANT their work
critically questioned and reviewed.
I could go on all day with this. I think I'll add a page to the Ethical
Atheist site just on this topic because I'm constantly asked how science and
religion are different. It seems very obvious but apparently not to theists."

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