23 August, 2005

bush, cheney and oil

seen today:
In case $3-per-gallon gas isn't depressing enough, consider what your gas money pays for: A bull market in Saudi stocks. Handouts for Fidel Castro. And weapons for anti-American terrorists.
Oil-producing states haven't seen a windfall like this since the twin price shocks of the 1970s. Persian Gulf countries this year will earn about $291 billion in oil revenue vs. $61 billion in 1998, when oil prices tanked, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF). For every $1 increase in the price of a barrel of oil, Venezuela, the No. 4 source of U.S. imports, reaps almost an additional $1 billion a year.
In several oil-producing countries, soaring oil prices are complicating U.S. foreign policy or blunting commercial opportunities for American companies. Irans' mullahs, locked in a standoff with the U.S. over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, are bolstered by an oil-rich economy that the International Monetary Fund says will grow 6% this year and next.
All the while, Bush is propping up our failing economy with giveaways to the rich and international corporations. Check out the Haliburton story--a Cheney company-- in Iraq. You need to vote and vote often, every time.

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