11 December, 2007

you, me and torture

Read this on the net: Since our government tortures people, we need to know how to deal with it, just in case they come for you and me.
1. They will try to tell you that you are alone. This is a lie. You are never without your ancestors.
2. They will "isolate" you. Again, this is a lie. The truth is that you come from a long line of survivors. This is simple biological fact. Your people have survived worse. Your people have already been tortured.
3. They will tell you that you are bad and evil. This is again a lie. You love many things and THERE IS NO EVIL IN LOVE.
4. They will make you think death is bad. It's not. All of your people, going back to the beginning have died.
5. They will make you feel pain and it will be real but this does not compare to their alternative.

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