24 December, 2007

more on Republican Blackwater

Hostility toward Blackwater was already high in the Interior Ministry. The February 2006 shooting incident in Kirkuk had damaged U.S.-Iraqi relations in the area, leaving the Americans "hated and ostracized," according to Ali, the provincial council president.

Blackwater, based in Moyock, N.C., was founded in 1996 by a former Navy SEAL, Erik Prince, a big Republican contributor. In Iraq, the company protects the U.S. ambassador and other diplomats.

The company developed a reputation for aggressive street tactics. Even inside the fortified Green Zone, Blackwater guards were known for running vehicles off the road and pointing their weapons at bystanders, according to several security company representatives and U.S. officials.

"They're universally despised in the Green Zone," said one security official, who has managed security for several companies since 2004"That's not an overstatement. 'Universally despised' is probably a kind way to put it."

Clearly the overall philosophy and tactics of Blackwater were not in keeping with winning hearts and minds," said a senior defense official involved in private security policy. The company's aggressive tactics provoked widespread frustration among U.S. commanders in Iraq, but complaints went nowhere.

Many memos were sent up the chain of command, It was a huge issue with the military. The "coalition" knew about it, but nothing was ever done. It was completely ignored.

When |Bush was onced asked, by a citizen, "I asked your Secretary of Defense a couple months ago what law governs their actions,"
"I was going to ask him," the president responded, drawing laughter as he issued a mock entreaty. "Go ahead. Help."

In other words, he just blew off the question which makes him directly and personally culpable; AND What about winning the hearts and minds?

It's also about millions going to fatcat Republican Contributors.

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