12 October, 2007

republicans like to work in the dark

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden, has ordered an unusual internal inquiry into the work of the agency’s inspector general, whose aggressive investigations of the C.I.A.’s detention and interrogation programs and other matters have created resentment among agency operatives.

In his role as the agency’s inspector general since 2002, Mr. Helgerson has investigated some of the most controversial programs the C.I.A. has begun since the Sept. 11 attacks, including its secret program to detain and interrogate high value terrorist suspects

Any move by the agency’s director to examine the work of the inspector general would be unusual, if not unprecedented, and would threaten to undermine the independence of the office, some current and former officials say. Of course, these republicans don't want anyone seeing what they are doing.

Frederick P. Hitz, who served as C.I.A. inspector general from 1990 to 1998 and now teaches at the University of Virginia says “I think it’s a terrible idea, Under the statute, the inspector general has the right to investigate the director. How can you do that and have the director turn around and investigate the I.G.?”

Remember Cheney and his republicans, the most dangerous people in our country, like to "work in the dark."

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