16 October, 2007

Rebulicans show true nature

Republican leaders are afraid their caucus of cruelty is caving out from under them. They are afraid that the House of Representatives will join the 2/3 majority in the Senate to override the heartless White House veto of a health safety net for those just above the poverty line.

And the evidence of their mean spirited desperation is their carpet bomb smearing of a 12-year-old child with a serious brain injury, personally coordinated by an aide in the office of Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Yes, that's right, a member of the U.S. Senate actually has his dirty hand prints all over the despicable distortions about an American family whose only sin was having two of their children serious injured and hospitalized for months, and the courage to tell their story to the American people of the true value of the SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) program.

Since that time they have been bombarded with hate mail, made even more terrifying by having their home address published for any lunatic to act on.

Who did they think would speak out for this program, someone who did NOT need it? That's exactly what the sick minds behind this swift boat campaign want everyone else to believe.

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