23 November, 2006

republican hypocrisy

Advocating war is easier when you and your family are not endangered by it. I've reached a Rangel-like breaking point with those TV pundits who championed the Iraq war and now say we can't leave even if we went there for the wrong reasons.

For every one of them, I have a simple question: Why aren't you in Iraq? Or why did you avoid combat in your generation's war?

The one unifying characteristic that all of those on TV shows share is fear of combat. Every one of them has done everything we can to avoid combat or even being fitted for a military uniform. Just check out the website www.nhgazette.com/news/chickenhawks/ and you will find Bush, Cheney, and all the neocons who avoided or evaded combat.

It takes a very special kind of combat coward to advocate combat for others. It's the kind of thing that can get you as angry as Charlie Rangel, a wounded and decorated combat veteran.

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