27 November, 2006

report may just cover Bush's ass

The New York Times is reporting this morning that a draft report of the Baker Commission, aka the Iraq Study Group, makes exactly the recommendations that most analysts have expected for months: more diplomacy, particularly with Iran and Syria; and no timetables for withdrawal of U.S. troops.

The latter, according to reporter David Sanger, citing unnamed commission members and outsiders, is likely to prove divisive when the ISG meets today to begin debating the contents of the final report. So what else could be expected from a "bipartisan" commission full of ideologues.

The draft report, according to those who have seen it, seems to link American withdrawal to the performance of the Iraqi military, as President Bush has done.

But details of the performance benchmarks, which were described as not specific, could not be obtained, and it is this section of the report that, unless revised, will just be a cover for Bush's ass to continue not admitting his goof by "staying the course" while we ljust keep losing people and treasure down that rat hole.

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