30 September, 2006

I refuse

I refuse to accept the following government actions by the current administration and its servants, the Republican Congress and the Republican Senate, that include:

* spying on its citizens without their knowledge or consent, an action contrary to existing law;* elimination of personal privacy through the Patriot Act, an action that presumes culpability, not innocence until proven guilty;

* preemptive invasion of other nations determined by the unilateral judgment of an all powerful executive that eviscerates the power of the peoples’ representatives;

* acts of extrajudicial execution and the abandonment of rule by law thereby making the President, in effect, judge, jury and executioner;* acts of torture and the unilateral infliction of "acceptable" torture techniques thus casting America before the world as an amoral nation beholden to no international agreement and placing at risk the soldiers who defend it

* imposition of illegal actions of war instituted through an orchestrated control of lies communicated to the citizenry thereby negating their democratic right to know that they might vote in accord with their conscience;

* levying an incredible tax burden on the citizens to pay for the consequences of these lies that will cost them and their children dearly for decades to come while corporations reap a windfall of profit from closed bids and corruption;

* infliction of a forced military occupation on a nation against the desires of its people and enabling that occupation to use illegal weapons of war contrary to the Geneva Conventions thus implicating its citizens in acts against humanity;

* development of diverse nuclear weaponry in direct violation of the UN Charter even as it decries other nations for attempting to acquire their own nuclear weaponry;.

These are not the actions of a democratic state; these are the actions of an autocratic state, an amoral state, an arrogant state that rules by force and acts as ruthlessly as the "extremists", which also participates in the killing of innocent women and children.

If you support these tyrants, these actions will be on your conscience and your record when you stand to be judged by your maker. May God have mercy on your soul.

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