10 April, 2010

government for and by the people

If we had had no Federal government, the South would have been successful (almost was) and there would have been two countries with one still likely having slavery. These right wingers are still "fighting" the Civil War. Even republican Governor Perry of Texas has recently advocated secession ( ssssshhh--- means get rid of a black President.)

Why?-- he is running for re-election and he knows that stuff appeals to redneck people, no matter that that act would be treasonous and anyway it was settled by the Civil War, which many of these people would like to fight again.

Going to televised political meetings with sidearm's, openly carried, is not about rights, it is about intimidation. It substitutes for the white sheets of the Klan used to intimidate others (and by the way they promote violence against not only blacks but Jews and Catholics as well) which along with other so called "christian militia groups" are on the rise. I am like Bush, " I hear the voices" When these fanatics start bombing us all (like Tim Mcveigh--- Okla.) hopefully we have a central government that will respond accordingly.

Taxes that poor people pay (payroll, property, on sales, etc) go into the common good but they cannot access cheaper and necessary healthcare. When they finally go to emergency rooms which is way more expensive, we end up paying the entire bill, they pay nothing, directly.

In the healthcare reform, they pay something into the healthcare system. And If I don't want to participate in the healthcare system, Iand all others am required to contribute something to it on my tax return for the common good. Seems fairer to me.

The Supreme Court is packed with republican conservatives--I call them right wingers (appointed by republican Presidents), with a 5 to 4 majority which soon could be larger. Republican Senators are calling for filibustering even before the President has nominated anyone to replace Justice Stevens. The existing court recently overturned a 100 year old law prohibiting Corporation money from buying and controlling elections. So much for precedence, "legislating from the bench" and "activist judges" from the liberal side.

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