27 April, 2010

President working on fiscal controls

This morning the President’s Bipartisan Fiscal Commission held its first meeting, taking on one of the most difficult challenges facing any government. The Commission was established by Executive Order in February, when the President appointed co-chairs former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles and former Republican Senate Whip Alan Simpson, along with four other members a week later. The other dozen members of the Commission were appointed by Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress
The President talked briefly with the Commission before they began their meeting, and said a few words about the importance of their mission. He spoke about the work he has done already towards trying to restore a stable fiscal path, from asking Congress to restore the “pay as you go” rule, to going line by line through the budget for more than $20 billion in savings, to challenging long-entrenched but outdated defense projects, to proposing a freeze in most of the discretionary budget for the next three years

24 April, 2010

Arizona vs patriotic Americans

Stopping people on how they dress or look, and they are guilty and will be hauled to jail unless they can on-the-spot prove their innocence is now the law in Arizona --that is how it will work on the streets and highways. It reminds me of what the Nazi's did to the Jews in the early Thirties in Nazi Germany.

Well, as our relatives are in California, we used to make several trips a year, stopping at noon time and overnight in Phoenix, seeking entertainment, etc, and the next day continue on to California.

NO MORE. We will not SPEND ONE MORE DIME IN ARIZONA. (and I am what is called an Anglo) and by the way there is a better solution, just arrest the small business owners who hire the majority of illegals-don't hold your breath on that one. (There comes a time when one must be a man and take a stand for the good of our Country. Now is that time).

23 April, 2010

Political Party Differences

Republicans are reading people out of the party in droves for lack of ideological purity and that's not a winning or wise electoral strategy, either.

The republicans were strongest when they could accommodate people with a range of views. In that long-lost era, staunch conservatives, such as Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas, coexisted with New Jersey Gov. Christie Todd Whitman, NOW,

There are two types of political parties and churches, one where members hunt for heretics to kick them out(the Republicans)the other where people go out looking for converts to bring them in(the Democrats).

Well these right wingers finally got rid of me, a moderate to most people.

13 April, 2010

don't you just love these republicans

All republicans are not racists, but when you meet a racist or read their comments, it is likely these days that he/she will be a republican.

We are just thankful we got out of that party after 50 years. When they lie they call us liars. When they hate, they call us haters. When they spew racism, they call us racists.

THAT'S AN OLD GAME AND WE ARE ONTO IT. Moderates are fleeing that party as fast as they can.

10 April, 2010

government for and by the people

If we had had no Federal government, the South would have been successful (almost was) and there would have been two countries with one still likely having slavery. These right wingers are still "fighting" the Civil War. Even republican Governor Perry of Texas has recently advocated secession ( ssssshhh--- means get rid of a black President.)

Why?-- he is running for re-election and he knows that stuff appeals to redneck people, no matter that that act would be treasonous and anyway it was settled by the Civil War, which many of these people would like to fight again.

Going to televised political meetings with sidearm's, openly carried, is not about rights, it is about intimidation. It substitutes for the white sheets of the Klan used to intimidate others (and by the way they promote violence against not only blacks but Jews and Catholics as well) which along with other so called "christian militia groups" are on the rise. I am like Bush, " I hear the voices" When these fanatics start bombing us all (like Tim Mcveigh--- Okla.) hopefully we have a central government that will respond accordingly.

Taxes that poor people pay (payroll, property, on sales, etc) go into the common good but they cannot access cheaper and necessary healthcare. When they finally go to emergency rooms which is way more expensive, we end up paying the entire bill, they pay nothing, directly.

In the healthcare reform, they pay something into the healthcare system. And If I don't want to participate in the healthcare system, Iand all others am required to contribute something to it on my tax return for the common good. Seems fairer to me.

The Supreme Court is packed with republican conservatives--I call them right wingers (appointed by republican Presidents), with a 5 to 4 majority which soon could be larger. Republican Senators are calling for filibustering even before the President has nominated anyone to replace Justice Stevens. The existing court recently overturned a 100 year old law prohibiting Corporation money from buying and controlling elections. So much for precedence, "legislating from the bench" and "activist judges" from the liberal side.

09 April, 2010

tea baggers, republicans, religious hypocrites

Doing away with social security, medicare, medicaid for those who cannot get even any medical treatments for their life on their own, civil rights, preservation of park land, all federal taxation, in fact all federal laws would not make our country better or improve the living conditions, provide for the common good or make our /MY country better for its people. Oh it sounds good to the shallow thinking cagle of jackleg rednecks and rightwing fanatics and religious bigots. Real patriots that love our country know better.

Oh, I hear and see the tea baggers and the Fox radio commentator bigotry and racism, and yelling "get the government our of my healthcare"--while those hypocrites are getting medicare---a single payer government program, and the outright lies that they spew and believe., "death panels, pulling the plug on grandma, gov't can take money out of your bank account, and on and on". Lies, lies, lies.

The wealthy have redistributed the wealth of this country UPWARDS by shifting jobs overseas for the cheap labor meanwhile they pocket the difference. If Jesus came tomorrow I believe he would not side with and defend the wealthy and powerful.

I believe Jesus would stand with and advocate for the needy, the poor, the afflicted and the common good, working, spiritual working men and women of all counties, not the privileged or the institutional churches filled with hypocrites.

And who am I?? Just a sinner who deserves to burn in hell for all eternity. If he asks me , "and what was your attitude toward the poor?" I will say, "I did what I could for them. I advocated for them. I cried for them when they suffered." And he will have seen that in my heart. If that is enough, I will be saved. End of story.