10 August, 2009

Lies about health care reform

From Republicans:

Healthcare reform

---creates death panels for Granny---A Lie

-----will ration health care---A Lie

---transfers money out of our bank accounts--A Lie

---allows the government access to your bank accounts--A Lie

---uses government money for abortions--A Lie

----okays euthanasia in healthcare--A Lie

----causes government to be between you and your doctor--A Lie

The Truth

---The above Lies are promoted by the pharmacy and health insurance industry with the Republican Party and republican operatives for their distribution and organizing. This has been documented.

Last year executives of these firms took $12.7 Billion in salaries and bonuses out of healthcare. Millions have been given by the industry to senators and representatives. a FACT!
Health Insurance Companies are currently between the patient and their doctor. a FACT!
47 million people are without healthcare insurance so when they go to ER's who pays? We end up paying for their treatments AT A HIGHER COST.

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