22 June, 2009

the next republican shoe to fall?

Read today: "Let's have a real investigation of the rumors about South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who … has been rumored to be gay for years," Signorile says. "Like Larry Craig, Graham has voted antigay — including for the federal marriage amendment — while people in South Carolina and Washington have discussed what some say is an open secret for a long, long time."

The comments about Graham are not new, but they haven't seen this kind of prominence since Graham's 2002 election to the U.S. Senate. Early in the campaign, state Democratic Party Chair Dick Harpootlian said Graham was "a little too light in the loafers to fill Strom Thurmond's shoes."

He later said he didn't know what "too light in the loafers" meant. Apparently he didn't know what too thick in the head meant either.
The pattern seems to be that you don't come out until befallen in scandal, what with New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's hiring his honey, Congressman Mark Foley's chasing former pages, and pastor Ted Haggard's paying for "massages" and meth from gay hookers and now republican Senator Ensign.

Considering the state's recent same-sex marriage ban, gay politicians see good reason to stay in the closet, says Truman Smith, president of the South Carolina Log Cabin Republicans.

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