02 January, 2009

Republicans track record for history

Did you read this today?
Partial Republican Legacy list: Iraq war of choice, $1 trillion in cost, over 4,000 dead heroes, Abu Ghraib's stain, unrestrained mercenaries, no-bid contracts to republican bigwigs corruption including Cheney's Haliburton and republican-owned Blackwater.

Katrina-Ike failures: 1,000 citizens dead, cities destroyed and de-populated, mobile home contamination, billions wasted, hundreds of thousands still displaced.

2008 economic depression: one million jobs lost, thens of thousands of homes foreclosed, $700 billion wasted and given to
the culprits so far.

Torn constitution: illegal wiretapping on American people, torture of prisoners, illegal renditions, stains on American's reputation, and ability of exert moral influence on the world which makes us less able to get cooperation in the world which makes us less safe. (JUST FOR STARTERS)

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