09 October, 2008

McCain resorts to swift boating/racism

Jerome Corsi coauthored the book "Unfit for Command:Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out against John Kerry" which turned out to be a bunch of lies. Most of his documentation refers to others of his stripe. They pass around documentation as fact. He and McCain are at it again about Obama.

Also, I read where Corsi's wife divorced him, accusing him of being a pedophile.

These neocon-republicans have captured the republican party, of which I was a member, and have all but destroyed our country. We used to be a force for good in the world.

Now look at us, we have attacked another country based on lies, killing millions that did not attack us (leaving Bin Laden alive who admitted he did). They are exporting jobs, importing cheap labor for short term gain, $5 trillion in debt when they came into office and over $10 trillion in debt now most of it to India and China.

I am surprised that so many so-called Christians would believe this swift boating after we learned about how it works. Latent racism is alive and well in America. I hear it almost every day from otherwise good people. My God is not a racist.

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