21 September, 2007

evil in Iraq

The moral vacuum of Iraq—where Blackwater USA guards can kill 10 or 20 Iraqis on a whim and never be prosecuted for it—did not happen by accident. It is yet another example of something the Bush administration could have prevented with the right measures but simply did not bother about as it rushed into invading and occupying another country.

Two days before he left Iraq for good, L. Paul Bremer III, the Coalition Provisional Authority administrator, signed a blanket order immunizing all Americans, because, as one of his former top aides told me, “we wanted to make sure our military, civilians and contractors(mercenaries) were protected from Iraqi law.”

Blackwater operatives have long been known to be cowboys who act as if they are free to commit homicide as they please, And they do. Blackwater is seen by Iraqis as the face of a malignant occupation. Morality begins when people take responsibility for their actions. But no one in this Republican administration has taken responsibility for one disaster after another in Iraq.

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