23 June, 2007

your and your children's money to Israel

Congress skillfully gives Israel at least $10 billion a year to expand its brutal occupation of Palestinian lands in a manner that hides the amount from taxpayers.

Congressional Research Service confirmed assessments made previously by American Free Press that blank-check aid to Israel costs taxpayers in excess of $10 billion a year. Because, in the age of deficits, the United States has to borrow the money it gives Israel in one chunk at the start of the fiscal year, taxpayers are paying interest on all the money given Israel for the entire year.

Because of the uncertainties and ambiguities associated with U.S. aid to Israel, arriving at a precise figure for total direct U.S. aid to Israel probably is not possible. Parts of it are buried in the budgets of other government agencies—mostly the Defense Department (DOD)—or in a form not easily quantifiable—such as the early disbursement of aid, allowing Israel a direct gain and the U.S. Treasury a direct loss of interest on the unspent money. Given these caveats, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) conservatively estimates cumulative total direct U.S. aid to Israel of at least $107.961 billion.

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