18 May, 2007

worth repeating on Iran and Iraq

Why would anyone hate us? The problem is that the military wing of the US government is very different from your neighborhood. After the Soviet Union crashed, US elites declared themselves masters of the universe,the only "indispensable nation" and the like.

All countries must ask the US for permission to have a nuclear program. If we don't like your government, we can overthrow it.

Meanwhile, we sought a global empire unlike any in history: not just a sphere of interest but the entire world. Laurence Vance has the details but here is the bottom line: one-third of a million deployed troops in 134 countries in 1000 locations in foreign countries.

All during the 1990s, the US attempted to starve the population of Iraq, with the result of hundreds of thousands of deaths. Madelyn Albright said on national television that the deaths of 500,000 children (the UN's number) was "worth it" in order to achieve our aims,which were ostensibly the elimination of non-existent, non-US built weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, that annoyed a few people. There were constant bombings in Iraq all these years. And let us not forget how all this nonsense began: the first war in 1991 was waged in retaliation for a US-approved Iraqi invasion of its former province, Kuwait. Saddam had good reasonto think that the US ambassador was telling the truth about non-interference with Kuwait relations. Saddam was our ally all through the Iran-Iraq war and before.

The enemy we are now fighting, the Islamic extremists, are the very group that we supported and subsidized all through the 1980s in the name of fighting Communism. That's the reason the US knows so much about their bunkers and hiding spots in Afghanistan. US taxdollars created them.

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