23 March, 2007

use Justice to get Hillary?

Some of the thousands of pages of e-mails released this week underscore the extraordinary planning and effort, at the highest levels of the Justice Department and White House, to secure Rove aide Griffin, a job running one of the smaller U.S. attorney's offices in the country.

New documents also show that Justice, Rove and other White House officials were preparing for President Bush's approval of the appointment as early as last summer, five months before Griffin took the job.

They tried to cover their tracks and mislead Congress That has turned this into a fiasco for them. I think the others were just part of a smoke screen Why? read on.

Documents show that Arkansas Federal Attorney Cummins was clearly a target of Sampson's. He was recommended for removal as early as March 2005.

Within days, the e-mails show, Justice officials had arranged to hire Griffin into a political position in headquarters, at a salary of $142,900, then transfer him immediately to work in the U.S. attorney's office in Little Rock and await his nomination.

Did these Republican Neocons use the US Attorney's Office to move a Rove political operative into Arkansas because of Hillary Clinton? Use your common sense

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