12 October, 2006

loyalty, patriotism to who or what?

The our government fires its own lawyers for doing their constitutional duty. Navy lawyer Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift was assigned the task of bringing Salim Hamdan to a guilty plea before the unconstitutional military tribunal that President Bush created for Guantanamo detainees.

Instead, Cmdr. Swift did his duty and defended his client, winning in the US Supreme Court. The Bush administration retaliated by blocking Cmdr. Swift’s promotion, which killed his military career and sent the chilling message to all US military and government attorneys that constitutional scruples are career-enders in the Bush regime.

Anyone who stands for the US Constitution is against Bush and his neocon regime. The Bush regime is proceeding exactly as the Nazi regime proceeded.

First, eliminate every person of conscience and integrity from the government. Second, redefine duty as service to the leader: “You are with us or against us”--a formulation that leaves no place for duty to the US Constitution.

Patriotism is redefined from loyalty to country and Constitution-- to loyalty to our republican leaders.

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