19 July, 2006

US Economy, your vote, mad as hell

Did you know:

1. The United States now has the largest gap between the poor and the wealthy since 1929 which was just before the Great Depression.

2. For the first time in our history, we are an exporter of raw materials in value greater than manufactured goods inported. The definition of an industrial country is just the opposite; that is, when manufactured goods exported is greater than raw materials inported.

3. The Chinese and others are beginning to dump their excess dollars into the Euros.

4. Excess dollars held be foreigners are also being used to buy up US assets, toll roads, port facilities, farmland, companies, manufacturing, motels, you name it. The profits, of course, go back to the foreign owners.

5. The National Debt when Carter left office was $0.9 Trillion, now it is $8.5 Trillion, AND who owns the bulk of it? It used to be owned to our citizens, now the bulk of the debt is owed to foreigners, mostly Chinese. Nice isn't it. That's what we get when corporations take our jobs overseas.

We are well on the way to becoming a third world country. We are going down the tubes. Have you "HAD ENOUGH?" The solution? Your US Representatives and Senators have to be voted out of office. Don't complain if you don't vote.

Join those of us who are "Mad as hell, and aren't going to take it anymore"

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