14 February, 2006

republicans, cheney, rove, policies

Karl Rove,the Republican spin doctor,spoke with ranch owner Armstrong. Rove reported back to Bush shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday that the vice president himself had done the shooting. It took another day for the news came out at the local scene while they obviously discussed how to spin the incident, hence the Armstrong woman's bland explanation.

However, Mark Birkhauser, president-elect of the International Hunter Education Associationm said," it's incumbent upon the shooter to assess the situation and make sure it's a safe shot. Once you squeeze that trigger, you can't bring that shot back."

It's another example of the fact that the Republicans are good at spin and public relations (spent $1.6 BILLION of your money on PR since 2000) but little else from lying and bungling in Iraq to unfair trade, sending middle class jobs to Asia, failed health care, failed education, you name it.

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