20 January, 2006

using torture

Interrogation rules were being flouted "every day" in Iraq, a witness testified late Wednesday at the officer's court-martial.

The witness, who testified from behind a screen to cloak his identity, said he spoke with Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer Jr. on Nov. 25, 2003, the day before Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mowhoush's death at an Iraqi detention camp.

The dramatic testimony was opened to the public at the request of media organizations, though the judge did allow another witness to testify behind closed doors. Two witnesses also testified in secret on Tuesday.

Prosecutors said Mowhoush was placed head first in a sleeping bag and bound with an electrical cord for interrogation. They say he died while Welshofer sat on his chest and occasionally used his hands to cover Mowhoush's mouth.

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