There's anger in the land, no question, but a recent poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation makes clear that that anger is directed more at congressional dithering than at the actual elements of the Democrats' plan.
More than 70 percent of Americans support the establishment of the exchanges, the extension of coverage, and the elimination of lifetime limits on overall coverage and of the "doughnut hole" in Medicare drug coverage. Fifty-eight percent say they'd be angry or disappointed if Congress threw in the towel on health reform.
25 February, 2010
24 February, 2010
To those who "speak for God"
In the roughly 4.2 billion years that the earth has been in existence, the nation known as the USA has been in existence for less than 250 years of those 4.2 billion years. (And bits of it have been part of the nation for much less than that.)
If America was such a good idea, why did God wait so long to make it such? And why did God depend on refugees from other nations to make it so? And why did its discovery by disease-ridden riff-raff depend on chance? (They were looking for something else entirely.)
And was it God's intention to have a predominantly white, slave-owning nation (as it was)? Or a multicultural nation with freedom for all and whites in the minority (as it will be, very shortly)?
And what do you think God's punishment will be for those Republicans who insist on the freedom to pollute and despoil God's "chosen" country?
BTW, how did you learn the U.S. was God's nation? Who told you this? And what was the chance of that person being in error? What is your authority to speak for God?
If America was such a good idea, why did God wait so long to make it such? And why did God depend on refugees from other nations to make it so? And why did its discovery by disease-ridden riff-raff depend on chance? (They were looking for something else entirely.)
And was it God's intention to have a predominantly white, slave-owning nation (as it was)? Or a multicultural nation with freedom for all and whites in the minority (as it will be, very shortly)?
And what do you think God's punishment will be for those Republicans who insist on the freedom to pollute and despoil God's "chosen" country?
BTW, how did you learn the U.S. was God's nation? Who told you this? And what was the chance of that person being in error? What is your authority to speak for God?
22 February, 2010
Is Lomborg's climate research a fraud?
Read today: Author Howard Friel has checked every single citation in "Cool It." The result is The Lomborg Deception, which is being published by Yale University Press next month. It reveals that Lomborg's work is "a mirage," writes biologist Thomas Lovejoy in the foreword. "[I]t is a house of cards…Friel has used real scholarship to reveal the flimsy nature" of Lomborg's work.
For example, he argued that no more than two (of 20) groups are declining in population, that their numbers are not falling overall, and, in places where they are, that it is not a result of global (or Arctic) warming.
For his claim that the polar-bear population "has soared," Lomborg cited a 1999 study (scroll down to the paper by Ian Stirling). But that study described declining birthrates and other threats to the bears, blaming warmer spring temperatures that cause the sea ice to break up. Overall, since the mid-1980s polar-bear numbers have fallen, which experts attribute to global warming.
One of Mr. Lomborg's most interesting claims is that global warming will avert more deaths (as fewer people die of cold) than it will cause. But three of the five sources he cites (including this and this) reached the opposite conclusion. Flawed research produces fraudulent conclusions.
For example, he argued that no more than two (of 20) groups are declining in population, that their numbers are not falling overall, and, in places where they are, that it is not a result of global (or Arctic) warming.
For his claim that the polar-bear population "has soared," Lomborg cited a 1999 study (scroll down to the paper by Ian Stirling). But that study described declining birthrates and other threats to the bears, blaming warmer spring temperatures that cause the sea ice to break up. Overall, since the mid-1980s polar-bear numbers have fallen, which experts attribute to global warming.
One of Mr. Lomborg's most interesting claims is that global warming will avert more deaths (as fewer people die of cold) than it will cause. But three of the five sources he cites (including this and this) reached the opposite conclusion. Flawed research produces fraudulent conclusions.
21 February, 2010
Military Commanders responsible shoud be demoted and fired

Some in the military are speaking out and believe the Afghan desire to secure Barge Matal, for whatever reason, may have cost 17 Americans lives: four in Barge Matal itself, five at Ganjgal and eight at the Keating base.
U.S. commanders failed to resume their plans to evacuate COP Keating, and delays seem to have begot more delays which caued the eight deaths at the Keating Base
Also look at the pic to see that the base is surrounded by higher ground. The Military Commanders responsible shoud be demoted and fired.
current republican party
Today's republican congressmen had an idea, put it in a bill, sponsored the bill and ended up voting against their own bill when they found out President Obama was for it.
As an ex-republican that is all I need to know about those now in charge of that party.
As an ex-republican that is all I need to know about those now in charge of that party.
14 February, 2010
republicans trying to re-write history
The Iraq war mistake has cost the United States support from other nations around the world. More than 4,370 U.S. military personnel have died in Iraq since the Republican President ordered the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been wounded or killed. U.S. is likely to bring home from Iraq some 90,000 combat troops by summer's end.
Under Obama 12 of the top Al Queda 20 people have been eliminated and 100 of their associates have been taken out. They are in fact not able to do anything remotely like they were in the past. They are on the run.
Obama inherited a shrinking economy with financial institutions that were on the edge of collapse, threatening to move the world into a depression. The economy expanded at 5.8 percent during the last quarter and the U.S. has "stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs." There is tangible evidence that the economy is moving in the right direction. Republicans like Dick Cheney are trying to rewrite history.
Under Obama 12 of the top Al Queda 20 people have been eliminated and 100 of their associates have been taken out. They are in fact not able to do anything remotely like they were in the past. They are on the run.
Obama inherited a shrinking economy with financial institutions that were on the edge of collapse, threatening to move the world into a depression. The economy expanded at 5.8 percent during the last quarter and the U.S. has "stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs." There is tangible evidence that the economy is moving in the right direction. Republicans like Dick Cheney are trying to rewrite history.
13 February, 2010
right wingers run moderates out of the republican party
McCain has moved to the right on several issues, Hayworth, who will officially launch his campaign Monday, began using his talk show on conservative radio station KFYI to drum up opposition to McCain. "You have a consistent conservative challenger and an incumbent who calls himself a maverick but in fact is a moderate," Hayworth said, outlining what he views as the central choice for conservative GOP primary voters in August.
It is horrible to wing-nut conservatives who have taken over the republican party if you are a "moderate."
It is horrible to wing-nut conservatives who have taken over the republican party if you are a "moderate."
11 February, 2010
Dick Army's Republican tea-baggers
The Republican tea-party movement is dominated by people whose vision of the government is conspiratorial and dangerously detached from reality. It's more John Birch than John Adams.
The tea partiers are the same old hate filled racists of old. Their villain list includes almost anyone who is not one of them. Their established scripts of New World Order conspiracy theories, which have occupied the dubious right-wingnut fringes of American politics since the days of the John Birch Society.
They spout that Washington, D.C., liberals had engineered the financial crash so they could destroy the value of the U.S. dollar, pay off America's debts with worthless paper, and then create a new currency called the Amero that would be used in a newly created "North American Currency Union" with Canada and Mexico. Nevermind that it started In December 2007 on their republican watch.
At a recent conference, organizers showed a movie to the meeting hall, Generation Zero, whose thesis was only slightly less bizarre: that the financial meltdown was the handiwork of superannuated flower children seeking to destroy capitalism.
And then, of course, there is the double-whopper of all anti-Obama conspiracy theories, the "birther" claim that America's president might actually be an illegal alien who's constitutionally ineligible to occupy the White House.
This point was made by birther extraordinaire and Christian warrior Joseph Farah who told the crowd the circumstances of Obama's birth were more mysterious than those of Jesus Christ. (Apparently comparing Obama to a messiah is only blasphemous if you're doing so in a complimentary vein.)
And they talk of cesession from the Union, which is an idea that was settled in the Civil War with over 600,000 killed. This crowd includes Texas republican governor Rick Perry.
The tea partiers are the same old hate filled racists of old. Their villain list includes almost anyone who is not one of them. Their established scripts of New World Order conspiracy theories, which have occupied the dubious right-wingnut fringes of American politics since the days of the John Birch Society.
They spout that Washington, D.C., liberals had engineered the financial crash so they could destroy the value of the U.S. dollar, pay off America's debts with worthless paper, and then create a new currency called the Amero that would be used in a newly created "North American Currency Union" with Canada and Mexico. Nevermind that it started In December 2007 on their republican watch.
At a recent conference, organizers showed a movie to the meeting hall, Generation Zero, whose thesis was only slightly less bizarre: that the financial meltdown was the handiwork of superannuated flower children seeking to destroy capitalism.
And then, of course, there is the double-whopper of all anti-Obama conspiracy theories, the "birther" claim that America's president might actually be an illegal alien who's constitutionally ineligible to occupy the White House.
This point was made by birther extraordinaire and Christian warrior Joseph Farah who told the crowd the circumstances of Obama's birth were more mysterious than those of Jesus Christ. (Apparently comparing Obama to a messiah is only blasphemous if you're doing so in a complimentary vein.)
And they talk of cesession from the Union, which is an idea that was settled in the Civil War with over 600,000 killed. This crowd includes Texas republican governor Rick Perry.
09 February, 2010
republicans blocking President Obama
Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama has been blocking Senate confirmation of about 70 government appointees nominated by President Barack Obama, his office said.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Friday, "If you needed one example of what's wrong with this town, it might be that one senator can hold up 70 qualified individuals to make government better because he didn't get his earmarks."
02 February, 2010
another Republican hypocrisy
Last week the opposition party wrote a startling new entry in the Annals of Obstruction: Republicans were so determined to deny President Obama an achievement that a group of them voted against their own proposal.
A month ago, a bipartisan group of senators asked Obama for his "strong support" for a commission to solve the national debt crisis. "We don't recommend this special process lightly," they wrote, calling it "the best way to reach a lasting bipartisan solution that will put our nation back on a sound long-term fiscal path."
One of the signatories, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), issued a news release trumpeting his sponsorship of the legislation. "Now is the time," he proclaimed.
But when the proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor Tuesday, four of the Republican signers -- Crapo, Kay Bailey Hutchison (Tex.), Jim Inhofe (Okla.) and Robert Bennett (Utah) -- voted no.
So did three other Republican senators who had also been co-sponsors of the legislation -- 2008 presidential nominee John McCain (Ariz.), Sam Brownback (Kan.) and John Ensign (Nev.). An eighth co-sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), didn't vote. ANOTHER REPUBLICAN HYPOCRISY
A month ago, a bipartisan group of senators asked Obama for his "strong support" for a commission to solve the national debt crisis. "We don't recommend this special process lightly," they wrote, calling it "the best way to reach a lasting bipartisan solution that will put our nation back on a sound long-term fiscal path."
One of the signatories, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), issued a news release trumpeting his sponsorship of the legislation. "Now is the time," he proclaimed.
But when the proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor Tuesday, four of the Republican signers -- Crapo, Kay Bailey Hutchison (Tex.), Jim Inhofe (Okla.) and Robert Bennett (Utah) -- voted no.
So did three other Republican senators who had also been co-sponsors of the legislation -- 2008 presidential nominee John McCain (Ariz.), Sam Brownback (Kan.) and John Ensign (Nev.). An eighth co-sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), didn't vote. ANOTHER REPUBLICAN HYPOCRISY
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